Low Impact Development in the Middle Rio Grande Watershed

Demonstration Projects

NEW!!! GSI AWARDS Coming Soon! This year we are teaming up with the Land and Water Summit and the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (NMASLA) to offer Awards in Excellence for Constructed and Unbuilt GSI/LID projects within the Middle Rio Grande watershed area. Please visit the NMASLA website to register your project. Winners will be announced at the Land and Water Summit 2021.

Below are some examples of recent Low Impact Development (LID) and Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) projects in the Albuquerque metro area. Click on the images to see more photos of each project.

Click here to view Low Impact Development in a High Desert Climate: Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices and Case Studies. This booklet was created by the Arid LID Coalition and published by the Xeriscape Council.

Lower Montoyas Arroyo

Navajo Elementary School

Sanchez Farm

Haynes Park